Job offers

The latest job offers in Poland

  • Masseuse
    PL | Łódź | 34.00 PLN
    Estimated monthly salary: 5500 - 7000 PLN gross


  • Masseuse
    PL | Żyrardów | 30.50 PLN
    Estimated monthly salary: 5800 - 7000 PLN gross


  • Massage therapist
    PL | Opole | 30.50 PLN
    Estimated monthly salary: 7500 - 11500 PLN gross

    Massage therapist

  • Masseuse
    PL | Piaseczno | 30.50 PLN
    Estimated monthly salary: 5500 - 6000 PLN gross


  • General construction worker (photovoltaic farms)
    PL | Poland and Europe | 14.00 EUR
    Estimated monthly salary: 2300 - 2500 EUR gross

    General construction worker (photovoltaic farms)

  • Massage Therapist
    PL | Łódź
    Estimated monthly salary: 5100 - 6500 PLN gross

    Massage Therapist

  • Elderly Caregiver
    DE | Niemcy
    Estimated monthly salary: 6000 PLN gross

    Elderly Caregiver

  • Mushroom picker
    PL | Borucino | 30.50 PLN
    Estimated monthly salary: 5700- 7200 PLN gross

    Mushroom picker

  • Mushroom sorter
    PL | Borucino | 30.50 PLN
    Estimated monthly salary: 5700- 7200 PLN gross

    Mushroom sorter

  • Sorter box collector - Service Man
    PL | Borucino | 32.00 PLN
    Estimated monthly salary: 5900 - 7700 PLN gross

    Sorter box collector - Service Man

  • Production Worker
    PL | Tychy | 30.50 PLN
    Estimated monthly salary: 5800 - 8300 PLN gross

    Production Worker

  • Truck driver C+E (Poland and Europe)
    PL | Leopoldów
    Estimated monthly salary: 10800 - 12800 PLN gross

    Truck driver C+E (Poland and Europe)

  • Seamstress
    PL | Ruda Śląska | 31.00 PLN
    Estimated monthly salary: 5000 - 5900 PLN gross


  • Hotel restaurant - waiter / waitress
    PL | Kudowa Zdrój | 32.95 PLN
    Estimated monthly salary: 5800- 7200 PLN gross

    Hotel restaurant - waiter / waitress

  • Upholsterer
    PL | Ruda Śląska | 31.00 PLN
    Estimated monthly salary: 5000 - 5900 PLN gross


How to check the legality of agencies that offer job offers in Poland?
Why do most people choose to go to Poland to work? The reason is clear and simple – the fees for these works are several times higher. Searching for a job abroad on your own is not the best solution: it cannot be ruled out that an advertisement found in the local press or on one of the Internet portals is not an attempt to extort money. More and more often we meet people who fall victim to frauds and dishonest agencies who demand money for job offers in Poland, and the promised conditions do not correspond to reality. To protect themselves from such a scenario, most of the people concerned decide to work with a recruitment agency such as time2work. Such agencies specialize in legal employment of foreigners in Poland.. It is good to check in advance whether the employment agency works legally. How to do it? Each employment agency must have an official license to conduct such activities and be officially registered in the National Register of Employment Agencies. Be sure to check the certificate that the recruiter can be asked for, and he is obliged to provide it to you. Do not trust suspicious agencies and remember that all job offers from any employment agency in Poland are free.
How to choose the best job for you in Poland?
Work should not only be a good source of income for employees, but also it should be safe, and the terms of cooperation should be clear and transparent. On our website, we publish job offers along with reliable information on remuneration, accommodation and additional benefits offered by our client. The basis of our relations with candidates is reliability, without which it would not be possible to meet the needs of the candidate and to ensure favorable terms of cooperation. Long-term cooperation and your trust are the main motivation for employment agencies to act and improve their services. The main advantage of employment through our agency is that we take care of all formalities and details related to legalization, accommodation, transport, etc. You do not have to deal with all the details and explore all issues yourself. We select job offers depending on your needs, appropriate location, skills and qualifications. All you need to do is clearly specify your job inquiry and provide us with documentation.
Job offers with free accommodation in Poland?
We always try to provide our employees with the best possible conditions. Regardless of the offer, we always provide our employees with free accommodation, the agency is the owner of some accommodation facilities, we also help in organizing accommodation with third parties at no additional cost. If you already have your own accommodation, you will be able to discuss with our recruiter the possibility of additional financing of the rental costs. You also do not have to worry about transport, our logistics specialists can help you choose the most convenient mode of transport. They can also help you with itineraries and the most convenient way to get you to your workplace.
Why should you choose time2work?

“Looking for a job” – Does this phrase fit you? Those looking for a job are most tired of uncertainty as to whether the working conditions described in the offer are those on which he will work every day. Do you have it too? So make yourself comfortable on our website, send us your CV and let us act – we guarantee that what the recruiter will present to you in our offer will be at your disposal – if the changes are only ” +” for you.

So we declare:

  • professional development – you will benefit from training,
  • free accommodation – no extra charge, we will provide you with accommodation,
  • legal work – and only we have legal work – before you take up employment, you will read the wording of the contract that clearly defines the conditions of your job,

We will support you, help you find the right offer, and even negotiate its terms with your employer. All this is 100% free.

How to apply?
  1. Check out our job offers Choose some for you and fill in the application form available under the button – APLIKUJ – or just call us.
  2. Tell us about yourself, your work experience: call, write an e-mail, fill in the form, contact us via, Facebook, WhatsApp or Viber. If you haven’t found any job offer that is interesting for you but you are the specialist and want our help, we are going to find the best job for you.
  3. Our recruiter will contact you, determine your needs, check your foreign language skills (if required) and present you our offers or possibilities of searching new ones.Answer the questions related to the legalization of work – what documents entitle you to enter Poland and apply for work here.
  4. You have received the job offer that meets your expectations – give consent for transferring your personal data to the employer, let him know you.
  5. We will inform you if you have been accepted, what formalities related to legalisation process we will be processing for you and what is the expected duration of this process.
  6. We are in touch with you all the time. When we have all the information, we set the date of signing the contact and starting work. We will also provide you with information on the date of medical examination and other organizational matters.
    If you want we can help you organize transport to the workplace/accommodation. We will arrange your journey to Poland and help you transport to Opole.